I have to say that I do love helping people but my Mother Teresa purpose in life has never really showed itself the way i've thought it would and I have often said to people that I personally don't think I have the humility Mother Teresa must have had, caring for people.
However our new gardener, who started working for us a few weeks ago, has a plight in life that I would like to share with you, in the hope that you may feel inspired to assist. We sometime underestimate the degree to which aids affects people, especially the families left behind, more over when that family is not directly linked emotionally to our own. We can ooh and aah, but then we can go home to our happy little nucleus.
TK, as my new gardener is known, has six children. She is twenty eight years of age. These children are not her own. She has one sister of twenty two and had two other sisters, both of which died of an un-known illness. These sisters left behind six children between them from the ages of five to fifteen, all of which TK is now responsible for. She cannot work for me full time, mainly because of the cost and time involved in getting to my property which is very far away and also because her family rely on her being there for them. She has found herself in a catch twenty two situation with responsibilities far in excess for someone of such a young age. Her younger sister is fortunate to be studying agriculture, but does not yet bring in an income.
In South Africa this situation is familiar to thousands of people across the country and is nothing new. Accepting this young lady is new to me and has crossed my path in life. So I am bringing her fate to you in the hope that together we can do something to help. So what do you think? Obviously financial is the first priority but she could be helped in many other ways. If you are interested to assist, drop me a line. This lady lives near Howick, so a job offer closer to home is a possibility. So is clothing, food parcels etc.
Will think about doing something about food parcels...through our outreach at church possibly??