Simply Sam Trading - Antiques.Brocante.Gifts

We stock a variety of vintage, antique and hand-crafted items. Available on our web store or select antiques and beautiful 'proudly South African' hand-made Gift items on sale or to view at VinLee Art Gallery Hilton College Road, Natal Midlands. Hilton off-ramp, N3, Kwazulu Natal

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cycling through rural Weenen

I have to say that living in the Midlands can sometimes be pretty boring, being the small town community it is, and I think this is what has led me to search for a bit of adventure, something to challenge me out of my comfort zone, so to speak. It doesn't help that I am reading Riaan Manser's book, 'Around Africa on my Bicycle'! Well it came in the form of an invitation from friends to join them on a 'park and ride' weekend in Weenen. Never having done this before, but with longings, I jumped at the opportunity to join them. Basically what it means is parking your car at a designated spot in Weenen and then cycling 30kms through rural African homelands which, in this neck of the woods, means dry, rocky and mountainous. It's a perfect opportunity to see how rural African life is really lived. The number of children and adults alike who came running out to greet us, was simply humbling. The scenery was magnificent and, best of all, was that we stepped up to the challenge.

Our destination was a lodge called Zingela Safari and River Company where one sleeps in bush 'tent' like accommodation literally alongside the Tugela River, which is just amazing. To push my comfort zone a little further we opted to try out the river rafting the next morning, which my family have certainly never tried before. And I have to say that had I not got over my anxiety, I would never have known what an exhilarating experience this is. Definitely to be recommended.

It was a tough 30kms getting there and with the ride still fresh in my bones I wondered if we would even make the ride back the next afternoon. Amazingly we did, even my ten year old son, and my very unfit husband! So now i'm looking for the next adventure so i'm open to suggestion......